Free and Open Source, Supports macOS 10.11+, Intel and Apple.
You will probably need to edit your setup a few times until you get precise settings you're most comfortable with. Move and resize windows in macOS using keyboard shortcuts or snap areas. Now when you move a window with your cursor, the frame will appear, and if you drag the window into the frame, it will resize and reposition based on the template dimensions you set. You can set up as many frames and positions as you like. BetterSnapTool alternatives are mainly Window Managers but may also. Other great apps like BetterSnapTool are Rectangle, AquaSnap, WindowGrid and altdrag. The best alternative is DisplayFusion, which is free.

this as a cheaper (2.99), stand-alone version with BetterSnapTool0. There are more than 25 alternatives to BetterSnapTool for a variety of platforms, including Mac, Windows, Linux, KDE and . BetterSnapTool allows you to easily manage your window positions and sizes by either dragging them to one of the screens corners or to the top, left or right side of the screen. You can change the color and size of the frame, and you can move it to where you like on your screen, but you will probably want to move it to the area of the screen that it represents. When the frame is set up, press Command+W or click the grey edit mode box to exit out. This feature alone makes working with multiple windows on a large display so much. A template frame will also pop up which will represent the size and position of the selected window.